State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli (left) listens to National Comedy Center director Journey Gunderson explain the mission and vision of the center, which is being built in Jamestown. DiNapoli was in Jamestown Oct. 2 to tour the location for the National Comedy Center as well as to learn about various economic development projects in the city.
JAMESTOWN – The state’s top financial officer says other communities in New York could learn from Jamestown’s model for leveraging economic development funding.
Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli was in Jamestown on Friday, saying he made the trip across the state to Chautauqua County so he could see firsthand how state economic development funding has helped various projects in the city.
“We’ve gone through a very difficult time – the aftermath of the global financial crisis and the great recession – and there have been many state resources, some through existing programs and some through existing programs dedicated to promoting economic development, obviously with the bottom line of creating jobs. It’s helpful for me to see first-hand how some of that money is being spent,” DiNapoli said.
The comptroller also said that from an initial tour and review, he’s impressed with the city’s ability to leverage local money as part of its application for state funds, especially when it comes to the National Comedy Center project.
“This effort is a very successful one and his incorporated some existing funding programs and some of the newer programs like the regional economic development council, winning some awards through that process,” DiNapoli said. “Hopefully what we can learn is how to replicate these kinds of successes in other areas of the state because we want to make sure the money is being spent in an appropriate and wise way.”
Listeners can hear more from DiNapoli later this week during WRFA’s Community Matters program, which airs at 5 p.m. every Thursday, with an encore on Sunday at noon.
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