Packets of potentially lethal heroin – similar to the ones shown hear labelled as ‘Theraflu’ – have reportedly made their way into Chautauqua County. (Image from CNN)
JAMESTOWN – Local law enforcement, hospitals and drug abuse treatment centers are doing all they can to get the word out about a dangerous and perhaps lethal type of heroin that has come into the area during the past few weeks.
Heroin has always been considered an extremely dangerous narcotic – but it’s become even more so in recent weeks with the arrival of a type of heroin that has been heavily laced with fentanyl – a ultra-potent, prescription painkiller that is typically administered through a patch. Fentanyl is typically prescribed to cancer patients as a last resort and can be 10 to 100 times stronger than morphine, according to CNN. Reports say that during the past month, the fentanyl-laced heroin has been sold under street names like “Bud Ice” and “Theraflu.”
According to the Chautauqua County Mental Health Association, the latest brand of heroin has hit the streets in Chautauqua County. Officials are calling it a a very dangerous mixture that can very quickly lead to overdose and death, with four people in Western NY having already died from this mix in January alone. An addition 22 people reportedly died in Western Pennsylvania – including 14 in the greater Pittsburgh area. The presence of fentanyl or a fentanyl-like synthetic drug was also confirmed in 13 heroin-related deaths in Rhode Island in January, the Providence Journal reported last month. Medical examiners in Maryland said fentanyl-laced heroin may be linked to at least 37 deaths in that state since September.
Members of the county mental health association say that if you have a problem with drugs and would like help please, call 716-661-9044.
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