MAYVILLE – Chautauqua County now has a new Criminal Justice Coordination Council.
The council is being created by County Executive Vince Horrigan to address the jail situation with the county, which has seen a growing number of inmates in recent months, causing overcrowding, with some having to be sent to other county jails at the expense of the county taxpayers.
During its January voting session, the County Legislature approved the establishment of the council, which has no authority but will serve in an advisory capacity.
According to Horrigan, the plan is to bring key partners together to help reduce our growing inmate population, achieve better outcomes through alternatives to incarceration, provide collaboration and education; and by enhancing system-wide coordination among criminal justice agencies and local government.
The Council will consist of at least 11 representative, including a member of the County Legislator, County Court Judge, Dunkirk City Court Judge, Jamestown City Court Judge, Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender; and a representative from the Police Chiefs Association, Probation Department, Department of Mental Hygiene, and Department of Health & Human Services.
Excellent plan. It seems that jail time isn’t enough to rehabilitate offenders. I pray that they can have another chance to set a different course for their lives.