County Executive George Borrello in September 2018, presenting his 2019 budget the county legislature. He’ll present this 2020 budget this Wednesday night.
MAYVILLE – Chautauqua County Executive George Borrello will present his 2020 Tentative Budget Presentation to the Chautauqua County Legislature Wednesday night. The presentation will be during the full County Legislature meeting, which starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Legislative Chambers of the Gerace Office Building.
Borrello was a guest on WRFA’s Community matters program eariler this month and in previewing the budget, he said there would not be any increase in the county tax rate.
“We’re looking to hold the line on taxes again. We’ve lowered property taxes five years in a row and we’re looking to hold the line again this year,” Borrello said. “It is challenging because of so many unfunded mandates from the state. Just the Board of Elections alone. Their budget is going up, it’s ballooning up a large amount to cover early voting, to cover new electronic voter registration tablets, to cover other unfunded mandates. So it’s been a challenge.”
After Borrello presents his budget, county legislators will begin their review of it by meeting with department heads and determining if any additional modifications are needed. That review process will begin next Monday in Mayville.
Legislators will need to pass a final budget for 2020 on or before December 1.
Copies of the Budget Presentation 2020 Tentative Budget will be available online at the county website by September 30.
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