Members of the Chautauqua County Community Justice Coordinating Council hold their 2020 annual meeting on Jan. 15 in Mayville.
MAYVILLE – Criminal justice / law enforcement officials are expected to provide an update on the impact the state’s bail and discovery reforms have had on the county jail, local courts, and police departments Wednesday afternoon in Mayville.
That’s when the Chautauqua County Community Justice Coordinating Council will hold its next meeting.
The council is comprised of county officials from various departments including the sheriff’s office, county jail, probation department, and county court. It was first created to address jail over crowding concerns a few years ago but has since shifted its focus to also track and address chemical dependency issues. With the state legislature passing both bail and discovery reform measures in 2019, the council is now also tracking the impact they have had on local operations.
Wednesday’s meeting will likely provide the latest data from the county jail and county court, including the number of bench warrants that have been issued for individuals who were arrested and released without bail, and then failed to appear in court to answer to their charges.
It will take place in the Gerace Office Building, Room 331 and will begin at 3 p.m. It is open to the public.
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