Chautauqua Lake Association Ice Pick
The Chautauqua Lake Association’s Ice Pick fundraiser is officially underway.
The CLA places a bright orange ice pick on the frozen Chautauqua lake and invites the community to share predictions on when the ice break will occur. The pick is monitored with a clock and video surveillance to accurately record the precise moment the pick has fallen through the ice.
Each guess for when the ice pick will fall through is a $5 donation and entries will be accepted through Sunday, March 20, 2022.
The Grand Prize winner will receive $250 and the next five closest guesses will each receive $50. All remaining funds will benefit the Chautauqua Lake Association’s year round lake management efforts.
The mail-in form for guess submission and the online guess submission can be made at ChautauquaAssociation.org/events. The livestream of the ice pick is available on that site as well.
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