Jamestown City Council will hear a presentation on the Gateway Lofts Project tonight.
Council members had requested the opportunity to ask questions of Southern Tier Environments for Living (STEL) about the project ahead of the March voting session.
A resolution to reallocate $640,000 in HOME program funds to the project will be up for a vote by Council on March 31. The project has received site plan approval from the Jamestown Planning Commission, approval from the County Planning Board, and needed variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals. A public hearing on the reallocation of HOME funds for the project is scheduled for prior to the voting session on March 31.
Council also will review a resolution to renew the one-year STOP-DWI agreement between the City of Jamestown and Chautauqua County.
Through the contract, the Jamestown Police Department agrees to investigate individuals who are driving while intoxicated; participate in court proceedings; provide educational presentations to the public; and attend trainings regarding DWI. In return, the City will receive forty percent of the total fines collected by the municipal court that resulted from the arrest and prosecution of DWI and related offenses.
A resolution to send the Police Department’s Domestic Violence Officer and Domestic Violence Advocate for training is on tonight’s agenda.
The Jamestown Police Department anticipates receiving an award from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services for the purpose of combating domestic
violence. This new initiative is called STRIVE (Statewide Targeted Reductions in Intimate Partner Violence). In order to receive these funds, it is mandatory to attend an orientation training.
The purpose of STRIVE is to equip law enforcement, district attorneys, domestic violence service providers, and other partnering agencies with the necessary funding,
guidance, and training to effectively respond to, mitigate, and prosecute intimate partner violence through evidence-based, survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive interventions.
Chautauqua County, consisting of the Jamestown Police Department and several other partners, is eligible to receive a STRIVE award of up to $847,225 from the Division of Criminal Justice Services for the contract period April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026. All costs to attend the training will be paid by DCJS.
The Public Safety Committee will vote on two special event permit applications.
One is for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Rock Dedication which will be held Saturday, May 31 at Veterans’ Memorial Park. The other event is the Third Thursday Concert Series which will be held the third Thursday of each month from May through September. There will be a variety of performers at the Winter Garden Plaza as well as acoustic performers under the Reg Lenna marquee, in Potter’s Terrace and at the tree planter on the southwest corner of Third and Pine Streets.
The Housing Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. with other committees meeting at 7:00 p.m. The full work session will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the fourth floor Police Training Room. All meetings are open to the public with the full work session being livestreamed on jamestownny.gov.
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