The Jamestown City Council held its monthly voting session on Monday, Feb. 27 in the city council chambers.
JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown City Council held its monthly voting session on Monday night and for the second month in a row, tabled a resolution to abandon and alleyway between Lindsey and Woodlawn Avenues on the East side of town, just off Second St.
According to City Council President Greg Rabb, the council chose to table the resolution because city resident Chris Gardner had made an 11th hour offer to purchase the alleyway property.
“Mr. Gardner came upstairs to [Monday night’s] work session and made an offer on the property,” Rabb said. “We told him we need to get an offer in writing by the end of the week. I don’t want to talk about what he did offer, because that’s his private business and he needs to submit it in writing, but he did make an offer so we felt we needed to table it until we get his offer and then decide how we’re going to handle it – if we’re going to put it out to bid or if we are going to handle a direct sale. So there was no way that we were going to be able to proceed.”
The unnamed alleyway runs behind Honest John’s Restaurant, Sherwin Williams, and Michael’s AJ’s Texas Hots.
Last month the city council was scheduled to act on the abandonment, but following a public hearing in which Gardner expressed concerns about limited access to the Woodlawn Apartments, the council chose to table the measure and look further into the matter before proceeding. According to city DPW Director Jeff Lehman, the abandonment would not have any impact on limiting access to the apartment.
In other news from Monday night, the city council approved two resolutions under new business that being the process of allowing the city to construct two pedestrian bridges over the Chadakoin River, as part of the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk.
Councilmembers approved the two resolutions that will allow the city to become the owners of the riverbed, where the two bridges will be built. Mayor Sam Teresi described the resolutions as a legal formality, since the property is under the water of the river and as a result, no legal owner is listed. The ownership process is needed in order for the city to receive state permission to begin building the bridges.
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