The Jamestown City Council held its September voting session Monday night on-location at Chadakoin Park.
JAMESTOWN – In spite of the cool temperatures and noticeable winds the Jamestown City Council held its September voting session outdoors at Chadakoin Park on Monday night.
Among the items that came up, Shawn Shilling – the president of Jamestown Professional Firefighters Local 137 – spoke to the council to draw attention to two issues of concern with local firefighters. One was the ticketing of vehicles parked downtown belonging to firefighters when they are on an emergency call. He also voiced concerns about the conditions at the downtown fire station (Fire Station 1) since a leak developed in the summer due to construction work on its roof. The construction work is part of the $1.66 million Tracy Plaza Phase 2 construction project.
Also during the meeting, a resident on Eagle St. appeared and voiced concern about a nuisance property that neighbors wanted demolished. The concerns included a man living in a tent on the property who claimed he had purchased it for $1 while in jail from another inmate. The property was scheduled for demolition until last week, when city councilman Andrew Liuzzo requested a halt to demolition on behalf of the purported owner.

Local landlord’s association president Harold Whitford thanked the Jamestown City Council and mayor Sam Teresi for the appointment of a new constable on Monday nigh at Chadakoin Park.
And a resident from the Chadakoin Park neighborhood raised concerns about tractor trailers that deliver to a nearby parts store. The trucks have reportedly been making delivers and leaving their trucks running during overnight hours, affecting the 11th street residents who live next to our near the store.
Among the items that were voted on was the unanimous approval of an appointment of a new constable to fill a full a vacant opening. Local landlords have been publicly requesting the appointment since the Spring. The council also approved a change order for one of the contractors involved in the Tracy Plaza Phase 2 construction project, though councilman Liuzzo voted against it, saying that because of the leak problems in the fire station and the Police Station a year earlier, he didn’t feel the company – Greenman-Pederson – should be paid any more money. The amount was $2,850 for the Tracy Plaza Phase 2 Renovations and Master Plan Design contract.
The outdoor meeting was scheduled as an outreach effort by the council, to hold meetings in specific areas of the city so and give residents in those neighborhoods a chance to participate without having to go to city hall. Council President Marie Karrubba apologized for the weather, noting the forecast had called for fairly pleasant condition until 9 p.m., but the cool weather arrived a bit earlier than expected. The weather didn’t prevent about a dozen community members from attending, along with nearly a dozen people playing games of pickup in the nearby basketball courts.
More detail on Monday’s meeeting during the WRFA Tuesday Morning News Update at 7, 8, and 9 a.m.
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