Jamestown City Council learned more about a proposed $1.227 million dollar Rental Rehabilitation Program at its work session Monday.
Director of Development Crystal Surdyk said while a home ownership program is a hot button program, the funding received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development office under the American Rescue Plan Act did not allow for that kind of use, “The possible activities included rental housing rehabilitation, tenant based rental assistance, supportive services, acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter, and non-profit operating and capacity building assistance. So, unfortunately this did not allow for the assistance in creating more home ownership.”
Surdyk said a meeting required by HUD between stakeholders including the Jamestown Housing Authority, Chautauqua Opportunities, Southern Tier Environments for Living, and other community based organizations resulted in the agreement that the creation of a Rental Rehabilitation program was the best action, “For a number of reasons, one of which being we have had a rental rehabilitation program in the past so we weren’t creating something that was brand new. It was something we already knew how to do and it’s certainly really a huge need as we all know.”
Council member Marie Carrubba asked if there was a way to not give funding to landlords who consistently did not keep their properties up to code and were consistently in Housing Court on code violations.
Surdyk said there will be a screening process and a 10% match required of landlords, “We can fund up to $15,000 per unit. There will be a limit on the number of units that any one landlord can apply for. And there will be a five year anti-speculation agreement so the landlord would not be able to then turn around and sell their new and improved property. If they do, they have to reimburse us for the full amount. And, in addition to that, there’s a property maintenance agreement that they have to sign.”
Surdyk said a complete housing inspection for code violations will be done for participants in the program with the landlords responsible for bringing the housing units up to code.
A public hearing on the Rental Rehabilitation Program will be held Monday, March 28 prior to the City Council Voting session.
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