Pictured is Stephen Sellstrom Esq., Board member of the Carnahan-Jackson Foundation, Anne Greene, Executive Director of the Prendergast Library, and Dan Hickman, Board President of the Library’s Board of Trustees, with one of the new hand dryers for the public restrooms.
The James Prendergast Library has received grant funding for library upgrades from the Carnahan-Jackson Foundation.
In 2023, the library replaced fluorescent and incandescent lighting with LED lamps and fixtures, improved the hot water heating system, and implemented new technological controls on the HVAC system to adjust the building temperature during unoccupied heating season periods. The most recent grant, in 2024, updated the public restrooms to improve energy efficiency and waste management, emphasizing health and safety and removing the use of over 48,000 feet of paper towel waste a year.
The Carnahan-Jackson Foundation encourages public libraries in Chautauqua County to apply for grant funding. To inquire about grant opportunities, libraries can contact the Foundation to request a grant guideline letter detailing the application format and required documentation.
Contact Board Member Stephen Sellstrom at 716-484-7191 or email sellstromlaw@prodigy.net to learn more about grants to help Chautauqua County libraries.
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