Jamestown Board of Public Utilities employees will be stopping at residences this month as part of the “Check Your Pipes” project.
BPU employees will be working 6:30 p.m. weeknights and from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Saturdays starting this week.
The employees involved in this project will be easily identifiable with their BPU identification and will be driving BPU vehicles.
The Federal government requires all water departments in the country to complete an inventory of water line materials entering homes and buildings by October 2024. BPU water and customer service field employees have been stopping at residences, asking for entrance to identify the pipe material of incoming water lines, take pictures of the materials and add the information to the utility’s inventory.
Approximately 16,000 water services exist in BPU territory, and half of the incoming water lines still need to be identified and photographed by fall.
A BPU-created video on how to identify and photograph your incoming water lines can be viewed at: https://bit.ly/checkpipes
Employees also will call customers to schedule times for BPU workers to come to their residences to identify water lines. Customers may make appointments themselves by calling the BPU at 716-661-1613.
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