Pictured signing a Flex Rate agreement are: (left, front to back: BPU General Manager David Leathers, Jamestown City Mayor/BPU Board President Sam Teresi, BPU Board Chair John Zabrodsky and BPU Energy Efficiency Coordinator Dan Reynolds. (right, front to back: Artone Vice President Sebastian Calimeri, Artone President Michael Calimeri and Jim Tharp, Artone Facilities Manager.
JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Board of Public Utilities is providing reduced electric rates to a local business.
On Monday the BPU signed a flex agreement with Artone Manufacturing to reduce the company’s electrical expenses.
The BPU’s Flex Rate Program is an economic development tool used by the utility to assist area companies by slightly lowering energy costs, in exchange for a manufacturer’s commitment to invest in its local facility and work force. Artone is the seventh customer to participate in the program and the third customer located within the Jamestown city limits.
The agreement will run through Oct. 31, 2019.
Artone produces custom furniture and fixtures to four different markets and employs 82 people and expects to increase that number to 87 this year.
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