Pictured above, a section of Route 430 in the Town of Ellery, which will be repaved and striped for bike lanes this year as part of the Complete Streets Program.
FALCONER – The Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities has announced the Complete Streets projects that are planned for 2019.
The Complete Streets policy, which has been adopted by Chautauqua County and currently seven local municipalities, recommends all modes of travel be considered in the design of projects. Projects are evaluated by the County’s Complete Streets interdepartmental task force for the feasibility of installing sidewalks, paving of shoulders, lane striping, bicycle lanes, share the road signs, crosswalks, road configurations, traffic calmers and other similar initiatives.
“These relatively inexpensive projects are excellent examples of how implementation of the Complete Streets Policy enhances projects that are needed to maintain the safety of our roads and bridges,” said Brad Bentley, Director of the Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities. “These projects will encourage increased utilization of our transportation assets while also increasing safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.”
DPF coordinates these projects with the local municipality to ensure the local needs are incorporated into the design. This year’s list includes the following projects in Jamestown.
- Installation of a crosswalk to connect the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk trail across South Main Street in Jamestown;
- Installation of a crosswalk across the west side of the Harrison Street bridge in Jamestown
“The two new crosswalks in Jamestown will be a welcome addition to pedestrian routes near the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk in Brooklyn Square,” said Mayor Sam Teresi, of Jamestown. “I would like to thank our County partners for including them in their upcoming project list. By providing safe areas for residents and visitors to cross these streets, it improves accessibility and encourages individuals to explore the many recreational and commercial opportunities in Downtown Jamestown.”
A project will also focus on bike lanes along Route 430 in Bemus Point.
“This project in the Town of Ellery between the overpass of the I-86 bridge and Shore Acres Boat Yard will help extend the bike lanes on Route 430 that were completed by New York State crews last year,” said Arden Johnson, Supervisor of the Town of Ellery. “We are glad to be working with the county to complete this roadway so it can be safely used for any means of travel.”
Two projects will also take place in the north county. They include striping of Central Avenue in Dunkirk to include bike lanes and crosswalks; and funding to initiate a design study for sidewalks and crosswalks on Vineyard Drive in Dunkirk.
The Interdepartmental Complete Streets Task Force was formed in 2018 by County Executive George Borrello, and includes representatives from the DPF, County Planning and Economic Development, County Department of Health and Human Services, and the County Executive’s office. Task Force members meet regularly to review and prioritize potential Complete Streets projects.
Chautauqua County Health and Human Services Commissioner Christine Schuyler is enthusiastic about the Complete Streets Task Force. She said, “This is a forward-thinking approach to Complete Streets. Our Task Force members bring different areas of expertise to the review of these projects, including safety, economic development, health, funding, and of course the technical aspects of transportation projects.”
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